Something just came across my mind
F1 needs American Broadcasters back.
Would an American broadcaster know anything about F1? A question not an opinion.
It's funny when the F1 crowd thinks Americans know nothing about F1. Pretty ridiculous notion, given that ESPN simulcasts all the Sky Sports F1 telecasts flag to flag commercial free (and they just re-upped for 3 more years I heard). There are plenty of American motor sports broadcasters that would do a great job calling an F1 race. Heck, Leigh Diffey is technically American. I think he's better than Crofty honestly. Just like on the other side of the coin, when Jackie Stewart and David Hobbs used to color commentate Nascar races back in the day, and work the pits in that good ol' southern boy sport. They were great. A nice one-off for F1 color commentary would be Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Very smart and witty on the telecasts he does.
Hopefully i've answered your question from an American motorsport fan point of view.