Darren Brown medal 5000 13 years 64 days ago
Hi all,
Just woundered if there is any threads within the forum for the people like myself who dont pay for the extra features.
I have been reading thru the gameplay threads but all these are aimed at the people who have the map layout and can activley get involved in the race stratgey.
where as all us non payers can do is set the car up and sort out stints before the race starts. not a problem as such, just woundered if their was any tips and or suggestions for us tight wads lol

Leon James medal 5000 13 years 64 days ago
Regarding your driver\'s race strategy mindset.
[*]We must bring the car home - don\'t take any risks
[*]Be strategic and play it safe
[*]Consistency is key - stick to a competitive pace
[*]Be aggressive and push hard
[*]Take big risks we have nothing to lose
These equate to settings in 2D. In 2D each driver has 5 buttons:
[*]Back off
[*]Take it easy
[*]Hold position
[*]Push Hard
The harder your driver pushes the more fuel they use,the quicker they get tired and the faster their tyres will degrade. This much is obvious. Also tyre temperatures will rse faster the harder you push.
When the race starts or you put on fresh tyres (at a pitstop) they (the tyres) will be cold and so your car will be slower. Pushing harder will get your tyres up to optimal temperature sooner, but with increased tyre wear, fuel usage and driver fatigue. Once the tyres reach optimal temperature you will need to back off , take it easy or simply push less. Otherwise the tyres will get too hot and the car will go slower. Harder tyres will take longer to get up to optimal temperature and will require the driver to push more (or take it easy less) to maintain optimal temperature.
OK, so the previous paragraph helps those who watch the race in 2D. Without 2D you cannot change how hard your driver pushes during the race. You can only tell your driver how hard to push for the whole race. The ideal level of pushing will depend on the tyres you are using, whether they are hards or softs, the circuit, the weather and other things. It is important to note that in some races \"Take big risks we have nothing to lose\" will be slower over a stint than \"Be strategic and play it safe\". Especially if you are on soft tyres.