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Engine/Heat peformance

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medal 5000
2 years 73 days ago (Last edited by Ywert Meer 2 years 73 days ago)
Make cooling more inportant if its low you schould feel it @ the end of the race.
Your kwalificaties schould be fine bud during the race the engine schould be getting slower if your cooling is low developed 
medal 5272 Community Manager
2 years 73 days ago
Hello Ywert,

What do you mean by “Heat”? Maybe it was lost in translation but I think you could be trying to say Reliability.
medal 5000
2 years 73 days ago
I mean cooling

the engine runs down during a race if your cooling is low your engine has more damage after 1 race you will not notice this during the first race bud yet @ the second
medal 5272 Community Manager
2 years 73 days ago
Understood! Thank you for the suggestion.
medal 5604
2 years 73 days ago

I mean cooling

the engine runs down during a race if your cooling is low your engine has more damage after 1 race you will not notice this during the first race bud yet @ the second

Engines are replaced each race, but bouncing off your idea using Cooling and reliability as a separate entity so it's not just the engine you have to replace.
medal 5038
2 years 73 days ago

I mean cooling

the engine runs down during a race if your cooling is low your engine has more damage after 1 race you will not notice this during the first race bud yet @ the second

But many people change the engine every race, to be competitive you need to. Granted cooling could increase the effect of engine performance more during the race. 
medal 5000
2 years 72 days ago


I mean cooling

the engine runs down during a race if your cooling is low your engine has more damage after 1 race you will not notice this during the first race bud yet @ the second

But many people change the engine every race, to be competitive you need to. Granted cooling could increase the effect of engine performance more during the race. 

Exely so it does make anny diffrence to invest in cooling, exept if you would feel it during the race if you have it on lets say 10 @ the end of the race  your enginw will be 70 procent bud you will notice nothing of thisbduring this race bud if its on lets say a number 50 your engine is on 80 procent so you should bennifit from this during this race not the next one
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