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Commerce Facility Tips?

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medal 5000
9 years 129 days ago
Ok, so i bought the Commerce facility once i hit lvl 5 - i actually buy every single facility i unlock- but i can't figure out how to work with it.
At all. Any tips?
medal 5000
9 years 129 days ago
Most people will probably tell you not to bother.

Its not really implemented much. I dont think there is much extra money to be made regardless of how you employ staff etc at the moment, maybe that will change with the update.

Best thing to do for money is just to max out your sponsorts, 1.5mil each per race.
medal 5000
9 years 129 days ago
Ok, so i bought the Commerce facility once i hit lvl 5 - i actually buy every single facility i unlock- but i can't figure out how to work with it.
At all. Any tips?

So, do you care about money? If not, honestly don't bother. By L8 you will have 100M+ and all it does is take up staff. But if you REALLY want to know how, I will tell you.
medal 5000
9 years 125 days ago
Nope, no money issues for me, i'm fine there.

I'm asking because i'm a.. completionist, and i'd like my team to have everything-even if that's on a videogame :P

@James So yeah, if you don't mind, any advice given should be welcome ;)
medal 5000
9 years 125 days ago
So, as you still have a long way to L8 with the design upgrading facilities, I would calculate how many staff you can have on it. So 200 (from the L5 offices upgrade) - 68 (the amount of engineers you need to replace every part every race)-48 (how many mechanics you need for every part every race - though can be 44 if you will replace 1 person's engine a race rather than both on every 2nd) is 84. Remember you can make that 140 if you have 36 and 24 for E and M if you make sure you only replace the devved parts every race. Then from that number you take how many designers you need to design parts (should be about 60 if you dev 4/3 parts for every race rather than all 7 for 2) and that is how many people you can use for commerce. those people you split evenly on every one. I would put quality on highest, then mark them up slightly. Also, if you say have a number like 15 (1 less than a multiple of 4) put less on the stationery as it isn't as good. Also, when you put max quality on, don't mark up the stationary either. And if you want, you can forget the stationery completely and focus on hte other 3, but that isn't quite as lucrative.

Any questions? And please say you know how to get to the staff page and do all that stuff, or....... ;)
medal 5000
9 years 125 days ago
With 3 races still to go Commerce has made me $9,092,272 this season so far. Doesn't look a lot when signing 4 top sponsors bring you in $6,000,000 per race but money is money 9mill is better than nothing.

I have 60 designers, 32 marketers, 68 engineers & 40 mechanics.
medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago
40 mechs man? How will you replace dem engines?
medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago
40 mechs man? How will you replace dem engines?

Not all parts wear at the same rate so engine is replaced when there is 3 parts not needing replaced each driver uses 3 engines a season :D

medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago

40 mechs man? How will you replace dem engines?

Not all parts wear at the same rate so engine is replaced when there is 3 parts not needing replaced each driver uses 3 engines a season :D

I use 2 engines every other race, you know it is quicker.....
medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago
I don't even use commerce... I get 6M a race from the sponsors, and replacing every car part and paying all the staff only cost 4,680,200. So I earn more than 1.3M each race even if I don't meet race objective.
medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago
I'm asking because i'm a.. completionist

If you are a completionist, try to max out design and refit 100% car parts rather than selling merch(andize)...
medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago
Selling merch doesn't earn you much money anyways... I now have $665,836,264 after 326 races without using commerce...
medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago
Thank you guys, all of you. The commerce isn't explained-at all, if i may add, so i was like 'go figure' at the beginning.

Thanks :)
medal 5000
9 years 123 days ago
To design a 100% part of a car it only takes 15 people that's why I have 60 minions working for the chief designer. 32 spare minions doing nothing I was being kind and giving them a job in commerce instead of them claiming benefits :P

As for replacing car parts - I don't see the point replacing something that's only got 5% wear on it, it will do the way it is and keep the upgraded part for the following race.

As for making money - Nope team is costing me money for the first time :D

This season so far with just one race to go.

Bonuses 0
Car -28,213,000
Driver wages -29,505,900
Facilities -800,000
Merchandise sales 10,391,168
Prize money 15,400,000
Research 0
Signing fees -10,592,105
Sponsorship money 68,280,000
Staff wages -39,480,000
Travel/Accommodation -400,000
Other 0
Profit/Loss -14,919,837

medal 5000
9 years 122 days ago
To design a 100% part of a car it only takes 15 people that's why I have 60 minions working for the chief designer. 32 spare minions doing nothing I was being kind and giving them a job in commerce instead of them claiming benefits :P

As for replacing car parts - I don't see the point replacing something that's only got 5% wear on it, it will do the way it is and keep the upgraded part for the following race.

As for making money - Nope team is costing me money for the first time :D

This season so far with just one race to go.

Bonuses 0
Car -28,213,000
Driver wages -29,505,900
Facilities -800,000
Merchandise sales 10,391,168
Prize money 15,400,000
Research 0
Signing fees -10,592,105
Sponsorship money 68,280,000
Staff wages -39,480,000
Travel/Accommodation -400,000
Other 0
Profit/Loss -14,919,837

I have no financial issues, so I just try and squeeze any time possible by replacing every part every race and then engines every 2.
medal 5000
9 years 121 days ago
Once you are in races where the top 6 is within 1 second fighting for the win during the last laps of a race, you begin to appreciate those couple of percentages. :)

I replace engines every two races as in one race the 1st drivers gets a fresh one and the next race the second driver gets a fresh one. Parts every race, always.

But keep in mind the design speed and with that the amount of designers you need depends completely on how many days a week you are racing. In an every day league it's very well possible to assign staff to commerce since you don't need that many of them. If you're doing 3 races a week like me, thats just not an option anymore as numbers of 30 designers per part become normal.
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