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Race re started for no reason (apparrently)

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medal 5869
2 years 88 days ago
What did you try to do?
Run my last race of the season (17:00GMT in Japan)

What happened instead?
It ran foer about 45 minutes and then it just restarted.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Many various devices. This hapoened to everybody in my Elite League, at least.

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
Many. See my previous comment

What operating system is your PC?
Many. See my previous comment

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Many. See my previous comment

Can the bug be reproduced?
Don't know if it can be replicated, but I guess so.

Additional comments:
League is Supreme Championship
League number is 7181
This has definitely been spotted by many managers in our Elite tier. I guess that it has happened in our other divisions as well.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
2 years 87 days ago
Hello Timothy,

I'm sorry to know about the problem that has happened . If you wish, and the other players in the league agree, I can schedule a rerun of the race or remove the results if they are considered to have been unfair.
medal 5869
2 years 87 days ago

Hello Timothy,

I'm sorry to know about the problem that has happened . If you wish, and the other players in the league agree, I can schedule a rerun of the race or remove the results if they are considered to have been unfair.

I have asked in my server, but we are on a 1 day break between seasons, so I may not get many answers.  I think, due to this, the re-run may, now be out of the question.

If you do not see an answer on here by 15:10GMT then we will just keep things the way they are.

Thanks for your time and patience on this one Ovih.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
2 years 87 days ago
Hello Timothy,

Ohh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't realise that the problem had happened in the last race of the season. Because of this, the rerun is almost impossible because the new season has already been generated.

I apologise again. I've sent tokens to the players in your league as compensation for the problem. I hope everyone will be happy about it.

If I can help you with anything else, I'll be pleased to do so.
medal 5869
2 years 87 days ago
Seeing that this did occur on the last race of a season and we have some form of compensation, you can call this matter resolved, if you so wish.  Thanks for your time Ovih.
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