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In league sprints.

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medal 5039
2 years 61 days ago
We’ve seen how they go in Formula One. What about sprint in League racing on here.
medal 5000
2 years 61 days ago
it would be interesting, but the races would be longer which could make it difficult for players who don't have much free time.
medal 5306
2 years 60 days ago
Sprint races are usually 100km or one third  distance.  Imagine having a sprint race at 25% for somewhere like Russia or Italy?  You would have an outlap, a lap and then an inlap.  Even for 50% they would be about 7 laps.
medal 5039
2 years 59 days ago

it would be interesting, but the races would be longer which could make it difficult for players who don't have much free time.

This is just something to suggest to put forward to developers 

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