Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 2 years 78 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 2 years 78 days ago)
It both stuns me and makes me laugh when people object to sensible suggestions with spurious reasons. The fact that YOU think the developers have other priorities doesn't mean the suggestion isn't a good one, does it.
Not it doesn’t, but this isn’t a great idea.
1. As a already been explained it is counter intuitive to iGP’s revenue raising strategy. That in itself is enough to warrant developers having better things to concentrate on and certainly makes calling it a sensible idea a little baffling.
2. The new upgrade promised in the Q4 Roadmap is late. It was due before December and we haven’t even been provided with the details of what will be included which was promised to be made available prior to the update going live. Again this is another reason why the developers have more important things to focus on than this idea.
3. Let’s not forget about other areas of the game that people have strong opinions on. The qualifying bug, the pit change bug (on some tracks), the llack of a proper overtaking mechanic, DRS trains, tyre balancing etc. All of these are far more important than this idea so again more areas for the developers to focus on before this (although it’s irrelevant now since the idea has been rejected).
4. The OP thinks it will make the game more real? Is that a good idea? Look at the chaos in F1 this year with the amount of grid penalties for power unit changes (Monza, Belgium as good examples). It was so bad in F1 it made a mockery of some races and they are going to review the rules. People struggled to understand how some of the penalties worked against each other as there were so many at the same time. it’s almost essential in Elite tiers in competitive leagues to change engines every race do we really want to emulate this idea which doesn’t actually work that well in real F1. There is world of difference between the real world and a game.