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Headquarters Ugrading

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medal 5000
2 years 70 days ago
I have noticed for the past two weeks or so all my headquarters sections have not changed days until next upgrade. They have been frozen at
Design - 5 days
Manufacturing - 2 days
Offices & Hospitality - 2 days
Simulator - 2 days
Technology - 5 days
Youth Academy - 3 days.

How can this get fixed?
medal 5510 Super Mod
2 years 70 days ago

Are you referring to where your headquarters say "Upgrade time: 2 days"? 
If so, this is how long it takes for the headquarter to upgrade once you make the in-game cash payment. 
For example, your Youth Academy takes 3 days to upgrade once you make the payment. 

If this is not what you are referring to, would you mind sending a screenshot of your Headquarters on the forum so I can take a look for you. Thank you. 

Instructions to posting images on the forum can be found here -
medal 5000
2 years 69 days ago
Yes, this is want I am talking about. After( I keep records for driver, training, money spent. Well I check every day and finally today I got to upgrade, but like I stated in my previous post even though it may have said "3" days until next upgrade it did not change all week.
medal 5510 Super Mod
2 years 69 days ago

Please can you attach a screenshot using the instructions in my previous post so I can take a look at your HQs and give you an explanation for your issue. 

If this isn't possible, upload the image to Imgur, and share the link here and I'll take a look. 

Thank you. 
medal 5679 Community Manager
2 years 69 days ago
Hello Snake,

You don't have any upgrade under construction. What you're seeing is the cost and time that would take the update.
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