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I need help with the calendary

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medal 4955
2 years 68 days ago
I need help to change the current schedule from 20 races to 15 in the current season. thank you
medal 5510 Super Mod
2 years 68 days ago

Your current league has their final race tomorrow, so you can't edit this season's calendar length. 

To edit next season's length, go into League Settings > Edit League > Schedule > Circuit Selection.
Once you click on Circuit Selection, you should see a list of the 24 available tracks.
To change next season's length, use the toggle at top to add or remove races from the calendar. In order for any changes to save, ensure you have the same amount of races in the left column as is selected with the toggle.

Any changes to race calendars only impact future seasons.
medal 4955
2 years 68 days ago


Your current league has their final race tomorrow, so you can't edit this season's calendar length. 

To edit next season's length, go into League Settings > Edit League > Schedule > Circuit Selection.
Once you click on Circuit Selection, you should see a list of the 24 available tracks.
To change next season's length, use the toggle at top to add or remove races from the calendar. In order for any changes to save, ensure you have the same amount of races in the left column as is selected with the toggle.

Any changes to race calendars only impact future seasons.

Hello, sorry, the league is this:

 I wrote the topic in the forum with another account by accident.
medal 5510 Super Mod
2 years 67 days ago

Unfortunately it is not possible to change the current season length while the season is ongoing. 

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. 

medal 4955
2 years 67 days ago
No problem!

Merry xmas! ?

medal 5510 Super Mod
2 years 67 days ago
Merry Christmas to you too. ?

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