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Fuel strategy not saved

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medal 5000
2 years 60 days ago
What did you try to do?
Select 90,0L of fuel into both cars for a non-refuelling race

What happened instead?
Started with 105,0L, despite saving both cars before the race on 90,0L

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Google Chrome

Can the bug be reproduced?
It has happened to multiple managers beforehand

Additional comments:
Ruined the race, and I am considering my position in the game (after playing the game for 4 years) I will likely leave the game as there are too many unfixed bugs and glitches in the game.
medal 5000
2 years 60 days ago
Maybe the 90.0L was not enough to finish the race. those 105 liters were perhaps "zeroed"
medal 4987 Moderator
2 years 60 days ago
No, the game doesn't care if you set anything too low to make the race. It pre-sets you enough fuel to make it in any case and if the manager changes it it's from now on solely the managers responsibility to finish the race, or in failing to do so.

@Giacomo, did you change anything on the car, strategy, or further practice laps (though that cause for fuel reset should be addressed) after saving the fuel amount?
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