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    medal 0
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Hi, I'm just returning to igp.

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medal 5000
2 years 51 days ago
How to check which league apply no refuel,2trye rules or fastest lap rule?
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 51 days ago
Welcome back.
AFAIK there is no "easy" way to see if Fastest Lap point is enabled. You will need to look at the results page for a league and see how many points the person with the FL received in a previous race.
Everything else is visible in the "LEAGUE SELECT" screen.

For each league:
The top row is obviously the league name and Nationality
The second row shows the days of the week the races occur (green denotes a race day) and the race start time
The third row has further details, starting from the left they are:
1. Refuelling rule icon (green = refuelling allowed)
2. Tyre rule icon (green = tyre rules enabled)
3. Number of teams currently in the tier which you will join
4. Number of cars in a team (1 or 2)
5. Race distance (25%, 50%, 75% or 100%)
6. Race speed (1.0x, 1.5x or 2.0x)
I hope this helps.

medal 5000
2 years 51 days ago
Thank you so much!
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