I was late logging on today and my race had already started but I instinctively claimed the daily reward before joining the live race (it’s always the first thing I do, so I don’t forget!). The random mystery choice reward was an ideal setup, but since my race was already running and setups could not be changed, I assumed the ideal setup reward would apply to the next race, just like it does if you claim the reward immediately after a race and get the ideal setup reward, it just applies to the next race. I just checked and it did not apply, so it seems I lost out on the ideal setup reward just because I earned it while in the race?
I know this is a free reward, it’s not like I spent $ (real or in-game), so I guess this is moreso just bringing it to the attention of the devs. I wasn’t sure if this would be a “bug”, I went there first but the posting setup (describe what happened and what you were trying to do) made me question if this was considered a bug or not, so I apologize if this should be in the bug forum.