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Delete league password

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medal 5435
2 years 39 days ago
Hello hello everybody!

I'm looking for some help and I hope there will be someone who knows the solution..

I didn't remember why, but I installed a password for my league..
Now I want to delete it, so the league will be open again for everyone..

Is that possible?
Does anybody know how?

I would be very thankful for an answer :)

Thanks, greetz, and have fun
medal 5510 Super Mod
2 years 39 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 2 years 39 days ago)

If you go into your league settings, underneath where you set your password, there should a tickbox that says, "Clear Password and make league public"
Ticking that box and then the save button should remove the password from your league. 

EDIT: I've added a screenshot showing the button that I'm referring to.
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