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medal 6183
2 years 28 days ago
Whyust I pay for 2, you got the normal engines which you use then repair, the standard before the update. Now I have my own engine now so why do I have to pay for two? I supply myself with an engine which I'm upgrading but I have to pay for the other.. makes no sense.
So I using my own engine, it does wear but the other engine I'm using two engines?
medal 5205
2 years 28 days ago
I don’t understand what you are trying to say here Dario.

Are you questioning why you have to replace the engines you manufacture? Or are you being double charged for something?
medal 6183
2 years 28 days ago
So old system you buy engines and repair etc.. this is normal
Now with the update I have my own engine and supply myself.
Why do I have to keep buying and repairing engines when I have a new one . The game sees it as I am using two engines the standard one and the new one. The new engine doesn't wear which is weird. with the update the standard engines are not needed but I pay for both 
According to the game I use two engines each race ??
medal 5564
2 years 28 days ago
Ok I think I follow. 

Your issue is that you replace your engines that you produce yourself every race, yet you still have to pay extra tokens to get more engines. That right? 

I view it like this. The cost you are paying to manufacturer your own engines in raw materials etc is the cost required to build 20 engines every 20 races (or 10 every 20 in 1 car.)

If you want to accelerate your production to produce more engines, you are going to need to buy more raw materials, and maybe greater man power. So you pay tokens.

It’s the same situation as if you asked your old engine supplier to send more engines. Just you are asking your own team to do more work instead of an external party.

Or am I still missing the point?
medal 6183
2 years 27 days ago
Ok so the current way is we buy and repair engines right? That's normal.
But with the update I have my own engine which I use to race with. Why do I have to keep buying engines from the old system ? I don't need the old engines but the game stil makes me buy them. 
medal 5000
2 years 27 days ago
Ok so the current way is we buy and repair engines right? That's normal.
But with the update I have my own engine which I use to race with. Why do I have to keep buying engines from the old system ? I don't need the old engines but the game stil makes me buy them. 

From what I've gathered, you are wondering why you still need to repair engines after each race since you are now a manufacturer.

The engines you replace is a standard part of your car. Take that first point as a constant. You will always need to repair that. Let's call it Engine 1.

The engines you manufacture simply replaced the old engines in your suppliers section, not the one above. Let's call this Engine 2.

So whether you are a manufacturer or not, you'll need to buy engine parts for Engine 1.

For Engine 2, it's customizable by track hence the need to buy parts for each track. 1 engine doesn't apply to all the track.

Hope that answers you.
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