Silent Bob medal 5000 13 years 64 days ago
A lap early pitstop on my second stint cost me a win as it ruined my stategy at the end of the race:-
As you can see I set up a 3 stop 4 x stint of 7 laps each. Calculated so I would have about 1 litre of fuel left
at the end of each 7 lap stint.
So why did my driver decide to pit after 6 laps when there was plenty of fuel for another lap left?
Tyres are in the same range of wear as in every other stint at the end.
Really annoyed as I was 12 seconds ahead of second at the end until that last pitsop.

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
you will noet you only had 4.6/l of fuel left when you pitted \'early\' as opposed to the 4.8 in teh other stints...
agree that a \'smart\' driver would have left it another lap....but could explain this to you....

Silent Bob medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
Just seems a bit of a random thing to have happened when every other stint worked perfectly although fuel consumption in that stint was 0.3 higher on average per lap than any of the other stints.
Will have to keep make a note next race what laps I have scheduled them to come in on and cancel any \"early\" ones unless absolutely necessary.
Question though - can I change fuel loads during a pitstop or are they linked to your original pre race strategy?