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Engine production

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medal 5000
2 years 26 days ago
How many engines are produced if you start manufacturing? Is it daily production or a batch? And is it enough to drive with a new Engine with two pilots every race?
medal 5425
2 years 26 days ago

How many engines are produced if you start manufacturing? Is it daily production or a batch? And is it enough to drive with a new Engine with two pilots every race?

Nothing has changed.  You still get the standard allocation and use them as you always have

medal 5000
2 years 26 days ago
And you're still able to buy engines in case you don't have enough engines/ want to drive with a new engine every race?
medal 5425
2 years 25 days ago

And you're still able to buy engines in case you don't have enough engines/ want to drive with a new engine every race?


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