Richard Evans medal 5000 9 years 57 days ago
When is the best time to do the practice runs because ive been doing it the day before but im not sure whether or not I should be doing it like 4/5 hours before the start of the race (to have enough time to ensure I get the right setup and stragegy as well)

Joey McLane medal 5000 9 years 57 days ago (edited 9 years 57 days ago)
If you are sure race is going to be dry do them when it's dry, and if you need an umbrella for the race do them when it's raining. There are only minimal variances with temperature and there are good chances they're coming from a little difference in training (99% instead of 97% previous season, etc ..).
Last trick : Strategy (We must bring, Be strategic, etc ..) aka Push Level is only for the race and make NO DIFFERENCES in qualifying.

Jamie R medal 5000 9 years 57 days ago
the closer to race time the better tbh. unless your 100% sure there is going to be no major shift in weather.

Richard Evans medal 5000 9 years 57 days ago
Ah ok. I tended to do the practice runs the day before but I might start doing it 2/3/4 hours before the race. So 5pm race time, either do them at 1pm, 2pm or 3pm. Thanks for the help guys

Richard Evans medal 5000 9 years 53 days ago
I suppose I could do it half an hour before

Kyx Wolf medal 5000 9 years 50 days ago
An hour and a half before is when id do it

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 50 days ago
I start setup 10 minutes before Qualifying odd time I run out of time because of talking and don't get one saved.
As a wise man once said If you can't talk and work then don't talk! :D