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Drivers experience

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medal 5000
1 year 318 days ago
Что Вы пытались сделать?
Was sad

Что случилось вместо этого?
After last update drivers experience doesn’t go above 20 when it should ve been already about 25 or so because I did 10 races in the league and more than 100 regular

Возникла ли проблема при использовании Wi-Fi, мобильных данных или их обоих?

Баг произошел в приложении на смартфоне, в браузере на ПК или везде?

Какая модель вашего устройства?

Какая операционная система?

Какой номер версии операционной системы?

Какая операционная система на Вашем ПК?

В каком браузере у Вас возникла проблема?

Может ли баг быть воспроизведен?

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medal 5427
1 year 308 days ago (Last edited by Harry Scott 1 year 307 days ago)
I have the same problem.

I have completed 30 quick races and 1 league race in the last 24 hours.

My primary driver had an experience level of 20 before starting this test, but it is still 20 after completing the above?

With the new update, it's incredibly hard to get an edge because reaching level 30 will take forever without buying your way to glory. This will only reduce player count further, IMO.

I've been trying to complete manual quick races to reach higher experience and there is clearly a bug.
medal 5722 Community Manager
1 year 308 days ago
Hello managers,

Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug. 
medal 5000
1 year 307 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 1 year 307 days ago)
Hello managers,

Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug. 

A have not seen a driver with experience 21 yet, I think it’s a game bug for everyone 

medal 5674 CEO & CTO
1 year 307 days ago
Indeed it was capped at 20, I've just fixed this and it will sync with the max level in the game dynamically now instead of being a hard-coded number.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
medal 5000
1 year 306 days ago

Indeed it was capped at 20, I've just fixed this and it will sync with the max level in the game dynamically now instead of being a hard-coded number.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

«dynamically» - ? some may notice a spoiler ?

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