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same:invalid user credentials

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medal 5000
2 years 5 days ago
Hi, I have the same problem as the guy in the following thread:

It's just the same. When i am logged in my account and try to create a new color scheme with the editor and try to save , it says "invalid user credentials". i tried many times and relog and reload but it simply does the same. it wont save car colors in the editor.
I did not delete and reinstall the game, since this is supposed to make things even worse as I have read.
Any ideas in the meantime please
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
2 years 5 days ago
Hello Antares,

Could you contact me through a ticket? Just click here.
medal 5000
2 years 5 days ago
Thanks Ovih for the reply. In fact I could resolve it. there are apparently 2 editors to change colors , the 3d and a browser one or something similar. The problem is, they are running in the background so I didn't see them. But one has to decide which one to use first.
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