Jossiemax Verstappen medal 5000 1 year 316 days ago (Last edited by
Jossiemax Verstappen 1 year 316 days ago)
I noticed that after the start of March there are new people at the top of the hall of fame. Yesterday I ended as number 1 in my country (Netherlands), now is somebody else number 1 with 300 points more than I have. Also there is a new overall number 1.
How can that be explained?
Yousuf Azadzoi medal 5185 1 year 316 days ago
perhaps they changed their nationality.
Barna Fodor medal 5002 1 year 316 days ago
There were some races that will be be re-runned, and by withdrawing the old result, the point reduction at the end of the month may have been missed
Connor Cooper medal 4975 Super Mod 1 year 316 days ago
It seems there was an issue with the monthly Hall of Fame reset where some managers' reputation hasn't been reset.
This has been escalated to the developers and should be fixed shortly.
Thank you for reporting it.