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Why have been my thread moved?

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medal 5000
1 year 360 days ago (Last edited by Barna Fodor 1 year 360 days ago)
Hello! I have shared a thread about our league, but it has moved to the 'Moderation' part. I would like to know, why did it happen? My target was to advertise our league, but this way nobody can see it...
medal 5671 Community Manager
1 year 360 days ago
Hello Barna,

It isn’t allowed to give away in-game accounts, that’s the reason.

If you want I can delete that bit of the topic and return it! Let me know.
medal 5000
1 year 360 days ago
I already understand, why it has happened, but I don't understand why it is a problem, adn I don't know where is it written, because i've never heard about it, and if you check the rules (oneDrive link), I think you'll understand why we have to use it.
And I could say, I remove this part, but we can continue doing this, you can't check it, so I just absolutely don't understand it.
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