Marco Marco medal 5294 1 year 364 days ago
1st I think it would be better to be able to remove the points (even by losing them).
2nd (perhaps already proposed) the possibility of returning to game suppliers.

Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 1 year 364 days ago
1st I think it would be better to be able to remove the points (even by losing them).
2nd (perhaps already proposed) the possibility of returning to game suppliers.
Why would you want to remove the pts?

Archie Bald medal 5000 1 year 364 days ago
1st I think it would be better to be able to remove the points (even by losing them).
2nd (perhaps already proposed) the possibility of returning to game suppliers.
Why would you want to remove the pts?
Towards the end of the season, it can be a challenge balancing your car if you need to max out specific attributes.

Luigi Licci medal 5112 1 year 359 days ago (Last edited by
José Trujillo 1 year 359 days ago)
I would propose to make a penalty or ballast to those who replace the engine, I explain better in the options at the beginning of the race there is the possibility to reset the engine and parts, since now there is the possibility through the engine to change the skills I would apply a penalty or ballast to those who reset the engine. This new update in my opinion has complicated things a lot, especially for those who in the evening is put there and want to make just a simple game with his daily tokens, now if you want to excel in a championship just shoppare with tokens or money. x me it is unfair if it is to be a game of strategy must remain so, another thing that could be done was to establish before the start of the engine potential before the championship and not be able to change them more until the end and jostle the search later x bring development to the car
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