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Special Ability effects

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medal 5000
1 year 341 days ago
Just wanted to ask if anyone’s figured out what exactly the special abilities do, and how much they actually affect performance
medal 5561
1 year 341 days ago
Hi Vik! You’ll notice some improvement (I chose Racecraft) but don’t expect too much. I guess it’s more about spending extra tokens (100 ?), rather then a real improvement. I even chose “legendary “ and even that didn’t change a lot ?
medal 5000
1 year 341 days ago

Just wanted to ask if anyone’s figured out what exactly the special abilities do, and how much they actually affect performance

Hello Vik,

The special ability's effect is exactly as listed in the name, for example:

Racecraft: improves your wheel - wheel racing, helps overtakes and defense etc.
Quali: Improves your quali performance.
Street Circuit: Aids your race pace on street tracks
Wet Weather: Similar to SC above but in the wet.

As for how much their effects are on performance, this is something you'll probably have to figure out yourself in time. All I can say is they all have noticeable effects when used in the right circumstance.
medal 4985 Moderator
1 year 341 days ago
To sum up, they have a noticeable effect in circumstances described in their name, but the effect is, usually, subtle as there was deliberate attempt made to balance them to have an effect but not leaving someone using a driver with no ability without chance.
medal 5000
1 year 340 days ago


Just wanted to ask if anyone’s figured out what exactly the special abilities do, and how much they actually affect performance

Hello Vik,

The special ability's effect is exactly as listed in the name, for example:

Racecraft: improves your wheel - wheel racing, helps overtakes and defense etc.
Quali: Improves your quali performance.
Street Circuit: Aids your race pace on street tracks
Wet Weather: Similar to SC above but in the wet.

As for how much their effects are on performance, this is something you'll probably have to figure out yourself in time. All I can say is they all have noticeable effects when used in the right circumstance.

Thank you! Yh I noticed the wet weather pace on one of my drivers was better than the other in the race, common seeming to be about 2 tenths a lap but not everything else was equal so hard to tell how much that’s from the trait. 

Definitely seems qualifying is the best one to have as it gives you extra pace every race in Quali and track position is so important in the game 
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