Rasmus Tali medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
I started on pole but starting grid in abu dhabi is messed up and I started 3rd. ruining my race right now.
It also is our leagues last race of season and championship depends on it
Restart please.

Priit Vork medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
I also lost a grid position in the very same race.

Rasmus Tali medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
Big thanks dudes, I lost both driver and constructor champ and race win thanks to this bullshi* 0,6s behined the dude I should have been in front of :|

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
I\'m really sorry about this. I\'ve now fixed the problem with the grid positions at Abu Dhabi. We may be able to do a re-run of this last race, but I don\'t think we have any proceedures in place for doing this, especially not at the end of the season. If it can\'t be done, please accept my apologies for this unfair race.

Rasmus Tali medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
Ok, I do hope the race can be re run. If not... I guess life goes on.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 62 days ago
It\'s unfortunate that these things happened in Abu Dhabi otherwise reversing it would be quite easy. The problem now though is that all the teams have changed tiers (promotion) and championships have been calculated, new league histories added etc. There are many more layers to the onion than the obvious stuff on the surface, and for this reason we can\'t just undo and re-run the last race of the season, sorry.