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Charged multiple times for my drivers and many identical drivers in the race

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medal 5278
1 year 313 days ago
What did you try to do?
Race in my league like usual

What happened instead?
Many identical drivers appear to finish in the race and have been charged wages many times for my drivers and staff. Also have a lot of design points from this race.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Motorola Moto g22

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
I don't know, the Italy race is the first time it has happened.

Additional comments:
I played the game and noticed that I appeared to have come in 3rd and 4th many times. I checked the race results and between 3 teams there were 21 drivers in the race with many identical drivers. I was also charged many times for all the wages and have been given many design points for this race. Another league member has also had issues with the same race.
medal 5685 Community Manager
1 year 313 days ago
Hey Leah,

Thanks for reaching out for your issue. Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.
medal 5278
1 year 312 days ago
An update: the driver issue did not occur on the next race and my finances and tokens seems to have been restored to a reasonable amount. However my finances seem to be a bit weird as I seem to have paid and have been paid back for the driver's wages, so maybe this is just restoring the finances. On the design points, I received around 170 from that one race and I still have those but I have received the normal amount in the next race.
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
1 year 312 days ago
I restored the race results as they should have been, but I did warn José and Ovih to expect some things to be weird about this race afterwards, as it was quite a significant glitch you encountered. Your race was parsed at the instance some maintenance concluded and was one of only two races impacted by chance posting results at that exact second.

I believe you will have to proceed with the extra design points, but if there's anything else that needs resolving let José or Ovih (support) know and they will take care of it.
medal 5685 Community Manager
1 year 312 days ago
Hey Leah,

Yes, we fixed the issue and refunded the amount lost. Finances history will be broken for a while unfortunately. Hopefully this isn’t a major issue for you. Thanks!
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
1 year 312 days ago

Hey Leah,

Yes, we fixed the issue and refunded the amount lost. Finances history will be broken for a while unfortunately. Hopefully this isn’t a major issue for you. Thanks!

medal 5278
1 year 312 days ago
Thanks Jack and Jose, that's good to hear. 

The finances will be fine as now I know what the problem is. Everything looks fine now except for the design points, but that's not a problem. 

Thanks for everything ?
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