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Engine Manufacturer Tokens [POLL]

How to process the tokens:

50.86% (295)
Let engine manufacturers from before 18th April 2023 keep +20 more Tokens than they should have - reverse for everyone
30.34% (176)
Ensure everyone has paid 10 Tokens to be an engine manufacturer - Only reverse for the 392 people with tokens wrongly deducted
18.79% (109)
Call Oprah Winfrey to give everyone Tokens
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medal 5445 CEO & CTO
1 year 311 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 1 year 310 days ago)
A bug existed for engine manufacturers created before April 18th, 2023, causing users to receive 10 tokens instead of paying 10. We tried to correct this by deducting 20 tokens from affected accounts and sending an accompanying explanatory mail, but confusion arose as some users thought they had already paid. Additionally, an unrelated support operation from January 30th, 2023, led to the some 300+ accounts being wrongly included, which did little to help the situation!

This all stemmed from a missing "-" symbol in a function call for adjusting token balances. To correct this and maintain fairness, we attempted to restore token parity. The decision to reverse this was then made democratically via the poll above, which we honoured the results of.

The poll results have determined that reversing the operation to restore parity is the most popular way to move forward together. We kindly request that everyone respects this decision. The intention in conducting a poll was to give the community an opportunity to have their voices heard, and we appreciate your active participation.
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
1 year 310 days ago
Lastly, to ensure fairness and accuracy on the final result, we will be conducting a review of the poll for duplicate accounts within the next hour or so. Each individual's vote will count once, and any clear multi-account votes will be counted as one vote.

I personally want everyone to know that regardless of the outcome, we will reflect on the lessons learned from this, to better guide our actions in the future. The situation was mishandled and mistakes were made, and ultimately I take responsibility for that.

We understand that everyone is eager to put this behind us, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and cooperation. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

A little over 1 hour of voting remains. Any last minute voters be sure to cast your vote in the next hour!
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
1 year 310 days ago
Thank you all for casting your votes. We'll be returning tokens to everyone shortly. It was an incredibly close race, with the first option (blue) emerging as the winner by a tiny margin post-audit.

The fact that it was such a tight contest reflects the spirit of fairness in the community. As mentioned above, we recognize that an initial simple error was unintentionally magnified by the way it was processed. We appreciate your understanding and will work to improve on this in future.
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