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Both Drivers Disqualified?

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medal 4920
1 year 302 days ago
I wasn’t able to attend my race live yesterday, and when I just logged in and checked the race results it says both of my drivers were disqualified?  It was a 30 lap race and they were both DQ’d on the final lap it seems, because the race recap only shows 29 logged laps.  I was first and 4th when it happened.

I have never seen this before and have been playing this game for a few years now.  It’s also weird (and annoying) that there doesn’t seem to be any info on why the DQ happened.

Is this “normal” or could it be a bug of some sort? If it’s normal, is there actually a way to see why my drivers were DQ’d now that the race has already happened?  Seems weird they were BOTH DQ’d, and both on the final lap, and there were no issues with part or engine failure, that I would guess anyway, as both were 100% to start the race

*EDIT* playing on iPhone (iOS 16.3.1) if that matters
medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 302 days ago
Hey Jason,

You did not have follow the two tyres compound rule.
medal 4920
1 year 302 days ago

Hey Jason,

You did not have follow the two tyres compound rule.

Hey Jose,

Hmm, I guess that would make sense, on a technicality level, but that is confusing because when I did the race setup it was raining so my tyres for the race were all intermediate, which is allowed by the rain rules.  

Seems there should be some sort of automatic switch or something if the weather changes after setup, especially because we can’t do any changes within 10min of race start, so if we setup for rain and then the weather changes within that “no changes to setup” window and we can’t be at the live race, then we are going to be screwed because now we have setup 3 of the same compound (which is allowed for inter/wet tyres), but the weather changed so now we are out of compliance with that tyre compound rule
medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 302 days ago
Hey Jason,

You can always pit and change the tyres during the race.
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 302 days ago
If you can't be on line then the solution is to set up for a dry race and use Advanced Strategy to give you the correct tyres if it rains.
medal 4920
1 year 302 days ago

If you can't be on line then the solution is to set up for a dry race and use Advanced Strategy to give you the correct tyres if it rains.

I guess that would work, but it was raining when I did the setup for the race, so there really wasn’t any way for me to know the ideal dry setup since it would just say “ride height/wing level to low/high”.  

Now that I know I will be sure to make the live races (I am usually live for probably 98% of them anyway), or setup for dry and advanced strategy for wet if I know I won’t be live.  This particular instance I didn’t know I’d miss the live race.

Thanks for the replies everyone!
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