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Race restarted from lap 1 after 5 laps

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medal 6183
1 year 297 days ago
What did you try to do?

What happened instead?
Race started normal on lap 5 race restared from lap 1 randomly

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
S7 edge

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Don't know.

Additional comments:
medal 5707
1 year 297 days ago
Absolutely this being on SS I ptted on lap 5 and came out nicely,  my other car was leading into the pits during lap 6 , game crashed , restarted the race again almost from the start.
medal 6183
1 year 297 days ago
Also it was really strange how tyres behaved today. At British track in 12c Soft and Medium tyres were slower than Hard tyres. Most of the managers noticed and complained about this.
medal 5707
1 year 297 days ago
Yes again I concur, after my first stops after the race re started in 12oc I was overtaken on softs by some one on hards , the game has acted very strangley tonight.
medal 5707
1 year 296 days ago
Anyone looking into this ?
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
1 year 296 days ago
I'm having a look now, in to why the simulation restarted. It may not be clear though, as these incidents are very rare exceptions these days and often due to edge cases that aren't well logged, documented or easily reproducible.
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
1 year 296 days ago
I can see that your race was running on the same server that we had another weird report about a few days ago, so as a precaution I'm going to take that server offline and have some maintenance conducted on it before putting it back online.
medal 5707
1 year 295 days ago
Thanks Jack ? 
medal 5685 Community Manager
1 year 295 days ago
Hey managers,

If M S as league host would like to skip that race and erase the results we can do it. Sounds like a fair solution to me.

About the server, Jack already finished the operation and the server affected is back into circulation.
medal 6183
1 year 295 days ago
It would be very unfair to Andrei to lose win and 1,2 he got in that race. We all suffered the same issue so we agreed not to re run the race but just wanted to report the issue as never had this issue before. 
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
1 year 295 days ago
You'll need to raise a report about the race with support. If more races have run since, your best bet is to get that result wiped altogether.

Regarding the server that was at fault, it was brought back online today and there haven't been any complaints about it yet, so hopefully it's behaving itself now. Sorry you had to be the ones to experience this.
medal 6183
1 year 295 days ago
We don't want to re-run or erase that race result. As we all had to suffer from same issue and it would be unfair to take win away from Andrei. We only wanted to inform you of the issue so it can be solved. I know it's very rare as I haven't come across this ever. Glad you manage to find the root of the problem and thanks for doing so quickly. Again we don't want results wiped and we don't want to re-run the race.
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