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Research weakness when engine manufacturer

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medal 5000
1 year 285 days ago (Last edited by Grant Drage 1 year 285 days ago)
Can probably ignore this. Think I misunderstood what was happening.

What did you try to do?
I am an engine manufacturer, my chief designer has a strength for acceleration and weakness for reliability. If I go to car research these are properly.

What happened instead?
If I tick the checkboxes for acceleration and reliability both ticks are green. My next race is China which has an engine strength for acceleration and weakness for braking. If I tick to research braking, that tick is red.

It's fine if the engine weakness becomes the thing not to research, but can this be highlighted accordingly.... instead of the chief designer?

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Oppo find X5

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reprodu

Additional comments:
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 285 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 1 year 285 days ago)
You can ignore Engine, Fuel and Tyre supplier strength and weakness because these have no influence on research.

Research is carried out based on the difference in "core design" between your team and that of the team which is the strongest in the attribute you have selected. By "core design" I refer to your design BEFORE any supplier modifiers are applied.

Any research dp you receive will be multiplied by 1.1 if you select to research CD strength and 0.5 if you choose to research CD weakness.

The red and green tick boxes are just indicators to let you know if you will receive any research dp by selecting the attribute. If it is red it indicates your "core design" is the highest in the league and therefore you will not receive any research dp.

EDIT. I see the first line of your post says you already worked this out for yourself, but I will leave my response and move this thread to "Help & Support" because it may help newer managers.
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