I am the host of Liga Fantasma, our new Season 52 starts on Tuesday 30th June. We have a very competitive Elite Tier a few places can be made available for anybody that would like the challenge of racing in our league. Plenty of places available for any Pro Teams. We race every night at 10pm GMT, over 50٪ race distance. Season 52 rules will have Refuelling, Two Tyre Rule, and a Bonus point for Fastest Lap. Beyond the competitiveness, we are a friendly group of players, encouraging each other to do well, help and advice available to those who require it. Please take a look at our league from the link, we'd love to welcome you to our grids and races for our new season.
MTWTFSS at 22:30 |
50% race distance igp-car 1 car per team 2.0x race speed |
| Rookie | Pro | Elite |
Teams | 0 | 0 | 16 |
Reputation | 5000 | 5002 | 5081 |
See league