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Live race went back to start after we lost connection

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medal 6116
1 year 268 days ago (Last edited by Lyle Lemuel Garibay 1 year 268 days ago)
What did you try to do?
We were doing a live race on Malaysian GP then halfway through lap 12 all online managers received a connection problem. (Race length is 75%)

What happened instead?
It took a while for us to go back to the race and when we were able to go back online, we're back to lap 1.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Samsung A34

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
Android 13

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 10

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
I'm using the game launcher

Can the bug be reproduced?
Not sure

Additional comments:
We're hoping we could rerun the race the next day as it's a bit unfair for the other managers who had a good lead during the race that got restarted all of a sudden.
medal 6116
1 year 267 days ago
I hope an admin or a dev would look into this bug.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
1 year 267 days ago
Hello Lyle,

I'm sorry for the problem that has happened. I've set a rerun and sent some tokens as compensation for the inconvenience caused.
medal 6116
1 year 267 days ago

Hello Lyle,

I'm sorry for the problem that has happened. I've set a rerun and sent some tokens as compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Thanks for the help Ovih!
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