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Money from QR doesnt come

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medal 5000
1 year 270 days ago
Today I've been racing all the day but I noticed the rewards still have not come though I finished 1,2 or third. As I see it, when there are 2 or 3 competitors the reward doesnt come, why? If there are 4,5 or more competitors it's ok all works good. I think i've been missing from 3 to 5 races that are not displayed in my race history as a record, is it normal?... thanks
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
1 year 270 days ago
You can only earn rewards for the first 10 races of the day, you went over 10 races and it stopped I guess.

I will make a note to make this clearer in the UI.
medal 5000
1 year 269 days ago

You can only earn rewards for the first 10 races of the day, you went over 10 races and it stopped I guess.

I will make a note to make this clearer in the UI.

Oh… now pretty clear, thanks 

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