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IGP Manager guest mode

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medal 5064
1 year 265 days ago
I am not 100% sure but I seem to remember IGP manager having guest mode. Is the guest mode still available? If so how do I login as a guest. I am try to log into my offline league so I can spectate the race.

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5735
1 year 265 days ago

I am not 100% sure but I seem to remember IGP manager having guest mode. Is the guest mode still available? If so how do I login as a guest. I am try to log into my offline league so I can spectate the race.

Vaguely recall it, think it was ditched some time ago, i can't see any guest entry anywhere. Just make another account and use that to spectate. You can chuck it in my Rookie tier if you wanted somewhere outside of your league to put it. 
medal 5735
1 year 265 days ago

I am not 100% sure but I seem to remember IGP manager having guest mode. Is the guest mode still available? If so how do I login as a guest. I am try to log into my offline league so I can spectate the race.

Vaguely recall it, think it was ditched some time ago, i can't see any guest entry anywhere. Just make another account and use that to spectate. You can chuck it in my Rookie tier if you wanted somewhere outside of your league to put it. 
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