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Blocking Players

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medal 5137
1 year 260 days ago (Last edited by Cee Mee 1 year 260 days ago)
The first one these was not actually solved. Why can't, atleast the host, block another player? Why can't a host block a player from joining a league?
Same player from before,  I removed the password so others can easily join, and now they can, and keep joining. 
The player was kicked for using foul language in emails and now is just being childish. It's alot easier to block a player versus using and changing passwords constantly.
As a host I would not have to go through igp...

Duffiled or Duffield is the problem player. they spell it both ways...

"let me in
why you keep kicking my account just let me back in stop being petty and pathetic mr 4 accounts
40 minutes ago
jack duffield"

this is the third if these acts today....
medal 5000
1 year 257 days ago
Yes, there are such players, and I am in favor of allowing hosts to block players. At one time it even seemed to be suggested on the forum... There are, of course, abnormal hosts who will use the list for their own purposes, but there is no need to go to such leagues
medal 5041
1 year 257 days ago
I don’t believe this should be a host only function.  Most games with a chat function allow individual players to block whoever they want.  I don’t really understand why this function isn’t available to all and should be a standard component of the game’s privacy settings.
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