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Doctors are useful ?

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medal 5000
1 year 255 days ago
Is there any point in having the doctor with red level pilots?
I mean, I mean only pilots that you can't upgrade because they are above level. 

medal 5669 Community Manager
1 year 255 days ago
They aren’t
medal 5041
1 year 255 days ago

Is there any point in having the doctor with red level pilots?
I mean, I mean only pilots that you can't upgrade because they are above level. 


Most in that situation let contract expire and you will automatically receive a lvl 1 or 2 Doctor on minimum wages.
medal 5000
1 year 255 days ago
If someone really doesn't want to pay the doctor, you can race without him. I have it done on this account :)
medal 5000
1 year 254 days ago

They aren’t

The health of the pilot and doctor arent linked?
medal 6145
1 year 254 days ago


They aren’t

The health of the pilot and doctor arent linked?

Doctors only affect the driver's health when training. Stamina is what affects the driver's health during races.
medal 5000
1 year 254 days ago



They aren’t

The health of the pilot and doctor arent linked?

Doctors only affect the driver's health when training. Stamina is what affects the driver's health during races.

Yes, but a better doctor will make him recover faster?
medal 5000
1 year 254 days ago




They aren’t

The health of the pilot and doctor arent linked?

Doctors only affect the driver's health when training. Stamina is what affects the driver's health during races.

Yes, but a better doctor will make him recover faster?

No. Only 5% per hour, regardless of the doctor's level
medal 5000
1 year 254 days ago





They aren’t

The health of the pilot and doctor arent linked?

Doctors only affect the driver's health when training. Stamina is what affects the driver's health during races.

Yes, but a better doctor will make him recover faster?

No. Only 5% per hour, regardless of the doctor's level

So,which is the impact of the doctors?
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 253 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 1 year 253 days ago)
The Doctor will make Driver health decline less each time the training button is pressed. High level Doctors will therefore allow you to do an extra training session each day and as a result you train your drivers more quickly.

Once a driver is fully trained (30 in all trainable attributes) then a high level Doctor has no benefit and can be replaced with low level Doctor which reduces your wage bill. If the Doctor has many races remaining on their contract, replace with a low level from the market, if only a few races remaining on contract then allow the contract to expire and you will be assigned a Doc by the game with wages of £50k per race.

As for the original question... When a driver has red stars they remain trainable, it is just very slow, 3% progress for every session. When your team levels up the stars will turn yellow again and the training progress will increase.
The downside is that as your team levels up the Doctor star rating also reduces and as a result they become less effective.

Bottom line... If your driver is still trainable AND you can afford to retain a high level Doctor then your training will be marginally faster. If you're struggling to balance game cash then the Doctor is probably the first place to make savings.
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