Vrtex Gaming medal 5002 1 year 249 days ago
Im not the most experienced out there, but from what Ive seen engines are, other than tweaking them if you own one, rather uninteresting with no effect other than stats and speed. Which is why imo engine failures and penalties should be implemented. If engine failures are implemented, this can shake up races, and can finally make cooling (something you prob dont focus research on) worth investing in. I think using a formula of % of engine worn - % of cooling stat would be good for determining the probability of a failure. This basically means if you have around 48% of cooling research available, your engine will never pop until its wear is over 48%, in which the chances of it going in smokes increases. And that another way of mixing up races would be using grid penalties for people who need to replace their engines. This can make managers need to manage their engines more carefully while adding drama to races if an engine fails or grid penalties are applied (of course the severity of grid penalties can be determined by host, and ik that grid penalties can become messy especially if alot of ppl change engines at once, but i mean this is just a suggestion)
Tl;dr: Add engien failures and grid penalties when engines are changed
of course pls tell me if im horribly wrong abt something in da comments thx for reading

Dario Jp medal 5675 1 year 248 days ago
You can link engine failure to push level pretty nicely, same principle as having a chance to go wide on a corner and loose a bit of time, it adds more strategy in how you play which is a good thing.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 1 year 248 days ago
If you are going to link the possibility of engine failure or driver errors to PL you need to first disconnect the relationship between PL and Tyre Temperature. Otherwise, all you will do is make it more likely to experience engine failures for teams who choose to run harder tyre compounds or for races that take place in the winter. Both these scenarios require high PL to keep the tyres warm.
Many of these "simple" fixes are flawed when you think a bit harder.

Dario Jp medal 5675 1 year 248 days ago
You can link both, pushing the tyres above and into the red increases chances of mistakes and engine damage, keep it steady for a neutral game, or back off a bit and save some for later in the race.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 1 year 248 days ago
If you are running at Hungary in the winter you will be be forced into running just about full PL5 even when using soft compounds, just to keep tyres at the correct temperature (not in the red). This is beyond the managers control and has nothing to do with strategy, it would be ridiculous for many cars to experience engine failure as a result.
I repeat... If you want to link the probability of engine failures and driver mistake to PL you must first remove the relationship between PL and Tyre temperature. A manager trying to keep tyres at the optimal temperature shouldn't result in increased probability of a race defining failure.
There is no need to link tyre temperature to engine damage, higher tyre temperatures already slow a car down.

Dario Jp medal 5675 1 year 248 days ago
Very true, I hadn't properly considered colder tracks, I'm sure with a little thought and proper planning something could be achieved I'm sure.