Old Jack medal 5000 8 years 158 days ago
Thanks for 5 Years of IGP.
After looking into the new Interface and testing arround a bit I will leave.
The interface is really horrible.
Thousands of menus an buttons and going deeper it gets quite more.
Nothing is where it should be.
This is not intuitive, it's crap!
The old gameplay was intuitive, clear and good - everything gone.
And now I should start again getting suppiliers and sponsors I already had will do the rest.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5176 8 years 158 days ago
You didn't take part in open beta? It sounds like you didn't.
Your post just comes off the wrong way. If you participated in open beta, you were given a powerful chance to voice criticisms about the new platform.
The developers gave us five months of open beta. A long time for development, if you ask me. Now as the time has come for the new iGP there are players like you who are upset.
It's like not voting in a political election and then complaining about the outcome.
Besides, it's not like the development is over. Jack has been listening to the players and making good on developing a balanced game that works for mobile and as well as for hardcore players and everything in between.
Mike Noon medal 5019 8 years 158 days ago
Just gotta get used to it bro
James Greer medal 5000 8 years 158 days ago
If anything the new layout is better than the old layout.
Jack Basford medal 5808 CEO & CTO 8 years 158 days ago
Of course with such a change not everyone is going to like it. We know this, and we know that we can't please everyone. Normally I would ask for more detailed feedback and try to expand upon it, but I can't help but feel this level of "nothing makes sense" feedback won't have much more to it than the level of familiarity people had with the old game. We've seen that new players find the new game a lot easier to get to grips with, and old players once they find everything generally prefer it too.
If this is the last we see of you, Old Jack, I wish you all the best for the future!