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Kick out of the league

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medal 5000
1 year 229 days ago (Last edited by José Trujillo 1 year 229 days ago)
Our Gianluca kicked me out of the league. He clearly didn't want the investigation into the previous case to continue, and eventually decided to remove me from the league, although I said I wanted to stay if the problem was solved. I want to note, as I wrote in Vyacheslav's post, that he deleted messages in our support on the league wall, and also closed the league to make it difficult for us to follow this. I made a new topic to once again draw attention to this vile situation, moderators can combine this fact with an ongoing investigation. Thank you in advance, I hope you calm down this 
medal 5000
1 year 229 days ago
At one time, I was also removed from this league, when I guaranteed myself access to the elite, and no sanctions were imposed on the host for this. You can do almost anything in this game, I realized that when he kicked me out for no reason, and the investigation died. Look for a good league, I can recommend ours. Gianluca is really inadequate
medal 5975
1 year 228 days ago

At one time, I was also removed from this league, when I guaranteed myself access to the elite, and no sanctions were imposed on the host for this. You can do almost anything in this game, I realized that when he kicked me out for no reason, and the investigation died. Look for a good league, I can recommend ours. Gianluca is really inadequate

Finally the player who wanted to create problems for our league has been found, I had been looking for him for months, he used fake accounts multiplied, he stopped being dishonest John Doe used fake accounts on my championship to devalue create intrigues and discord problem and he blackmails me and threatens me, he is fine with them to be banned from IGP, since from February I was looking search for this player who créate problems in my league, I was right, I banned you because I thought you were one of his John Doe accounts that devalued the championship Bo Katan Kryze, then I saw that you wasn’t one of his accounts where he wanted to fake with write-downs devalue our league, in trying to punish me he ended up being punished himself, Karma!! I saw that you misbehaved with me in the comments, I have to apologize for banning you,at that time i suspected you were one of his accounts (John Doe), i spoke to the moderators José Trujillo and Connor Spencer to solve the problem, this person used fake multi accounts to make trouble for us, hope you understand Bo Katan Kryze, i said all.

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