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Time loss in pitlane

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medal 5000
1 year 228 days ago
Hi, i want to know time loss in pitlanes, today we have belgium gp if you can say whats loss in there it would be awesome. And also if you have a chart that includes all tracks please send it. Have a good day
medal 5000
1 year 228 days ago
Can someone help me ?
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 228 days ago
Belgium is approx. 16.5 seconds but may be a bit more if you are in a refuelling allowed league. I'm not going to provide pit loss times for the rest of the circuits, you can work these out by running quick races.
medal 5000
1 year 228 days ago

Belgium is approx. 16.5 seconds but may be a bit more if you are in a refuelling allowed league. I'm not going to provide pit loss times for the rest of the circuits, you can work these out by running quick races.

Thanks, i am in refuelling disabled league

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