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Suppliers - there are no "best" suppliers anymore

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medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 167 days ago
This is just a heads-up for people coming from the old iGP who are confused about suppliers. I've seen a couple of comments/posts now with people saying that their suppliers were not transferred from the old iGP and quickly switching back to what they understood to be the "best" suppliers from the old game.

I'm here to tell you that it isn't necessary anymore, because the best supplier for your team is the one which boosts any attribute you want to increase. The best supplier will be different for every single team based on what you want to emphasise in the car design. Keep an eye on which attribute you see getting a bonus with each supplier when choosing one, and don't just go by knowledge from the old game because that is irrelevant under the new system.

It's one of the intended changes from the old game, because it was too easy to just have one supplier that everyone knew was the best and it created no variety or choices. The new system presents choices and multiple options.
medal 5000
8 years 167 days ago
However, those choices have very little effect, as we get only a +1 in one stat.

Considering, that more developed teams might have stats around 50
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 167 days ago
As with everything, we can work out ways to adjust this over time. If we change it in to a 10% bonus instead of +1 for example, it could have a meaningful impact at all levels.

There are lots of little things like this we can look at as we develop the game. :)
medal 5000
8 years 150 days ago
just saw this thread. Well i would agree with the 10% bonus, but it should give at least +1 point at a car design. Reason, if you have stats below 5, it would round down to zero (if i guess, that the values are stored with integer)
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