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    medal 0
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In regards to....

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medal 5000
1 year 4 days ago
.... the post title "Important notice regarding leagues and players farming tokens, cash, reputation and/or experience"...I want to be fully transparent and state that I have 5 logins and have made token purchases with 2 of them. I have placed all my teams into a temporary league called place holder for the current time due to a dramatic increase in work for my small engine repair business. Because of this, it's tough for me to be an active owner right now. In a couple months I should be able to rejoin the leagues I was in, although it will be best if I play offline (which is a whole nother topic). 

I hope Jose's post was not directed at me. I just want to keep my teams afloat while I'm getting caught up with my business. I have no intentions of farming xp or being the first to level 30 or any of that. During winter time here, I have more time to play igp. Right now I have way less time. 

I sincerely appreciate your understanding. 
medal 5000
1 year 3 days ago
If you ban all accounts of those who do the same, you can remove half of the active players from the IGP. Based on my personal observations.
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