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3 bug spoted

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medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
hi again... when I repair my car or when I change my engine, I lost tokens!!!!!.. any idea?
medal 5000
8 years 166 days ago
You bought parts and engines with tokens?

Clicking the Fix Car or Replace Engine Buttons leads you to the shop to buy them with tokens if you try to do it before all the tiers have finished racing.

Elite finishes race 1:31:57.685 4stop race
Pro finishes race 1:32:50.869 7stop race
Rookie finishes race 1:37:36.765 4stop race

Elite have to sit twiddling their thumbs for nearly 6minutes waiting on Rookie tier before they can repair cars or train drivers
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
It should be as soon as you finis your race, at the moment there is an issue where the go to race button does not change back after the race.
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
did anyone getting parts after race? I get nothing...
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
It should be as soon as you finis your race, at the moment there is an issue where the go to race button does not change back after the race.

then does meant I lost my tokens, ...
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 165 days ago
This thread went off-topic fast.

Jose, can you tell me when this happened and I will check oug logs. Did you buy parts using tokens (via the shop) or did you just fit parts to the car?
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
This thread went off-topic fast.

Jose, can you tell me when this happened and I will check oug logs. Did you buy parts using tokens (via the shop) or did you just fit parts to the car?

Hiya Jack I noticed this bug, 2 days ago , I have got over 52 tokens (I think, can't remember exactly), but now I got only 23 , I didn't buy any tokens (via the shop) it was fitting parts to the car. I came from the old game as active suscriber. Thanks Jack.
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 165 days ago
Jose, I can see that you had 37 tokens to begin with and it has come to 23 now. Some have been used for HQ, one ideal setup. There are -9 tokens (at 2016-08-27 06:55:19 GMT) and -5 tokens (at 2016-08-28 09:05:50 GMT) transactions which have nothing to identify they were spent on. Was it these?
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 165 days ago
Actually, the -9 I am guessing was a "buy now" on an auction, correct? (I will make sure we log those correctly with a name from now on!).

That leaves only the -5 transaction as the possible culprit.
medal 5000
8 years 165 days ago
Actually, the -9 I am guessing was a "buy now" on an auction, correct? (I will make sure we log those correctly with a name from now on!).

That leaves only the -5 transaction as the possible culprit.

You are right I used on HQ and setup (not enought time to prepare the race), and if you found 5 missing toknes, i'm happy now, thanks

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