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Motor supply

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medal 5201
1 year 197 days ago
Hello. Here's my question: does the unused motors of last season remain for the new one? Or we get a fully new supply?


Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 4937
1 year 196 days ago
Engines operate on a 20 race cycle of their own, unrelated to in-league seasons. At the end of the 20 race cycle, your engine supply will be topped up to [10*cars].
Engines you already own above this will be kept, but it is wasteful to do this as you are paying for engines you could get for free.
medal 4937
1 year 196 days ago
Engines operate on a 20 race cycle of their own, unrelated to in-league seasons. At the end of the 20 race cycle, your engine supply will be topped up to [10*cars].
Engines you already own above this will be kept, but it is wasteful to do this as you are paying for engines you could get for free.
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