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Driver's academy nationalities

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medal 5002
1 year 186 days ago
Dear all,

Is there a list of all the available driver's academy nationalities?
I have seen a 3d where people are posting names and last names of new nationalities, but i'm not sure it was then updated.
So I wanted to know whether there is a complete list in order to choose one I like, since for my nationality there are only british drivers in the academy.

Thank you!

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5000
1 year 179 days ago
After a brief look I found this post from an update to the nationality system, with a list at the bottom:
Hyperlink to forum thread
medal 5000
1 year 179 days ago
After a brief look I found this post from an update to the nationality system, with a list at the bottom:
Hyperlink to forum thread
medal 5002
1 year 179 days ago
Thank you Rhys. Super!
I have found also the thread where people are adding names to have more countries, but I don't know if anyone is really following up on that.
It would be great to have more variety.
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