Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5176 8 years 154 days ago
In the old iGP I used reward points to have expanded my YDA and my notes storage doubled.
Will I be able to scout up to ten recruits as I used to be able to, and will I receive my 20 notes storage?
If not, will I be reimbursed what I spent reward points in?
Also, I can't see how many YDA recruits I can attain because I can't recruit any when I try to scout for drivers. Tried three times and spent three tokens doing so.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5176 8 years 154 days ago
Also, will league polls be coming back?
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5176 8 years 154 days ago
Just for good measure, my favorite filler word is 'also'.
Jack Basford medal 5808 CEO & CTO 8 years 136 days ago
Sorry for the late response, missed this thread completely.
I've applied a patch for anyone with a legacy account hit by this issue. You should have access to your additional notes now.
The YDA will not be expanded, working out RP compensation for that could be complicated. I'm not sure if it's possible except on a case-by-case basis.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5176 8 years 136 days ago
That's fine, I treat any issues I have with low priority :)
I have access to all the notes now. As for the YDA, that's a shame. And working out a compensation won't be necessary. I was just being overbearing with that part!