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Parts not being generated

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medal 5000
8 years 162 days ago
My parts are not getting regenerated. When I go to repair I never get the new parts refilled.

Previous to my last race (when I already suspected it was not working) I had 42 parts left after repairing my cars. The race finished, I refreshed the site (cleared the cache), and still 42 parts... if I check my headquarters it was supposed that the Manufacturing produce 7 parts per race (at my level).

I had 50 parts... repaired both of my cars, 2 parts each... I drop to 46. I had a race. After the race, I still had 46 parts... repaired my cars again (2 parts each), dropped to 42. Last race of the season... 2 days later, I'm still 42 parts.
medal 5410 CEO & CTO
8 years 162 days ago
A few people have said this but I haven't seen it myself. The code looks okay as I read over it.

Did you get your prize money from Sponsors? This will show under Sponsors on finances. If not, then I can at least isolate the problem to an area of code instead of just being about parts.
medal 5000
8 years 162 days ago
Well, the season just finished so I can't tell right now... I will confirm on Friday, but I think I was getting the money, yes.
medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
I am just upgrading my manufacturing from Lv6 to Lv7 in the hope that it will mean i start receiving parts, otherwise i am going to run out at some point. I am down to 26 parts left (although my engines have just been updated to 20).

I have been receiving sponsors money, and the occasional prize money.
medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
clearing cache didn't work for me.
medal 5410 CEO & CTO
8 years 161 days ago
This should be fixed as of last night, when I applied an update that fixed facilities in general. There were some migraiton problems again behind these things. Basically, in the database, the construction complete flag was not active for lots of facilities from the old game, and wasn't set during migraiton. It led the game to believe that they weren't built yet, which is why they weren't producing parts etc.

As of last night I manually updated this on all facilities, so it shouldn't happen again.
medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
@Jack I can confirm that has worked.
medal 5410 CEO & CTO
8 years 161 days ago
Great. It was impacting the YDA and other facilities too, so they will all be working now.
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