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SETUP Vs Practice Time

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medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago

It is just me, or finding the "right" setup for the car doesn´t reflect in the practice time?! Maybe even in Race or qualify.. that I don´t have sure.. but in practice, i am sure!
(how do I post a image?! I have a print screen to support this theory..)
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 163 days ago
Drivers make mistakes during practice laps, and all laps for that matter. The laps are not always perfect. The lower the level of the driver the more mistakes they can make.
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
Cesar, to post an image, you have to upload it to a site like '' copy the url of the image uploaded and paste it here between [img] [/img]
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
Even so, jack.. I made more than one lap just expecting that.. even considering randomness of mistakes and the lower level of the driver, the diference between the perfect set-up (lap 3 and 4) and the most far set-up possible from the perfect one (lap 4 and 5) its almost the equal time in that laps.
I play for many years F1 manager games, and never seen something so close.. or even equal. In my opinion, dont make any sense...

[/url] [/img]
PS.: Thank you, Ruglio.
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 163 days ago
The image is very small, do you have a larger one?
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
yw ;) i'll do it for you this time Cesar:
medal 5000
8 years 163 days ago
why do I even go through the hussle finding the ideal setup ;)
medal 5000
8 years 162 days ago
Still waiting for some answers.... :/
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 162 days ago
It might be a couple of days before we can look in to it, but we will. Thanks for waiting.

Please remember we are 3 developers working from home, and right after a big launch like this there so many things pulling for our attention. We're working through everything as fast as we can. :)
medal 5000
8 years 162 days ago
But the "engine" of the simulation of the game is pretty strange, when you dont get in with the variables like the set-up.
It loose a lot of the interest of the game.. don´t you agree?! :/
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 162 days ago (edited 8 years 162 days ago)
Of course I agree... that's why I will work on it as soon as I can. I have to check that there is not a problem with the setup, while the sim developer has to check if there is a problem with the simulator. Then we will talk and see what we find.

But I have much bigger things to work on first, things which are totally breaking the game for some people. It would be wrong to ignore that to check that a lap time is .2 too fast or too slow.

EDIT: Also, I forgot to update the thread when you posted the image. Thanks for that, I mistakenly thought I had let you know we would look into it.
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 161 days ago
This should be fixed now. I looked in to it and identified a problem and applied a patch. It was related to the migration again, surprise surprise! :)

Now I am seeing a variety of as much as .8s per lap between a bad setup and a good setup at Europe.
medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago (edited 8 years 161 days ago)
My practice at europe with stable push.

Setup was firm 50 50 and firm 1 1 up to ideal setup.
times were 1.38.02 - 1.38.44

image share
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 161 days ago
Because of the way updates are applied to the server, it's possible that the patch was reverted because I didn't "commit" it to the system until just now. Sam, would you mind if I delete your practice laps and you try again to check if you get the same results?
medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
Go ahead and thank you;)
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 161 days ago
Your laps are wiped now, you can try again.

Here are my laps for comparison. As you can see, there is a huge difference (1.2s) between a bad setup and a good one, for me. Hopefully it will show something similar for you too.

medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
there is a difference and my driver is at 11.9 stats maybe with his mistakes the outcome not ideal.

screen capture windows
medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
Just wanted to say my mistake that its at Singapore not Europe if that makes any difference;)
medal 5000
8 years 161 days ago
Practice times From a lower level team i have (7 level drivers) on Singapore

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