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Cant sign favorite driver

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medal 5295
1 year 175 days ago
I would like to know how to sign with driver that has no contract in my favorites. When I go to contract I see a locker. I`m trying to sign whit the driver Salvatori Bruni from Italy in my Favorite List that had contract with another team. Now that the contract is over, I can`t sign. How can I do it ?
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 175 days ago
You can't buy free agent drivers or staff outside of the market unless:
1. They have been in your team before (i.e. you accidentally let the contract expire) or
2. They have been put up for auction by the seller but have not yet been listed on the market. When this happens you may "buy now" for 9 tokens.
It has been this way since July 2021, see Changelog.
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