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High level driver auction issue

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medal 5000
1 year 173 days ago (Last edited by CJ McCormack 1 year 173 days ago)
I was attempting to sell a L24 driver last week. I had them listed for at least 12hrs each day for 7days back to back, and not for any period during that time were they on the transfer/auction list - they were only ever available via Buy Now.
All very frustrating as a decent driver will be "lost" now and ofc I could have got a higher sale price. Just a little ironic that me being L23 I still regularly see L3-L5 drivers on my transfer list.....

This is a known issue isn't it -  I remember this happening previously and I think it was mentioned that the weighting for non-bot drivers going to TL requires tweaking, am I correct?
medal 5000
1 year 169 days ago

I was attempting to sell a L24 driver last week. I had them listed for at least 12hrs each day for 7days back to back, and not for any period during that time were they on the transfer/auction list - they were only ever available via Buy Now.
All very frustrating as a decent driver will be "lost" now and ofc I could have got a higher sale price. Just a little ironic that me being L23 I still regularly see L3-L5 drivers on my transfer list.....

This is a known issue isn't it -  I remember this happening previously and I think it was mentioned that the weighting for non-bot drivers going to TL requires tweaking, am I correct?

Can't say much more, same remarks, can't sell mine too
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