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No pit

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medal 5000
1 year 165 days ago
Τι προσπαθήσατε να κάνετε;
I wanted to pit with my driver and after the second or third corner it said pit this lap

Τι συνέβη αντ' αυτού;
He didnt pit and run out of fuel because we have refuelling

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Ποιο είναι το μοντέλο της συσκευής σας;
Samsung a13

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I dont know

Μπορεί το σφάλμα να αναπαραχθεί;
Of course

Πρόσθετες παρατηρήσεις:
medal 5110 Super Mod
1 year 162 days ago
Hi Chris, any additional information? Which track was this at, and roughly where around the lap did you press pit now? It would usually automatically activate once you have less than a laps worth of fuel in the car.
medal 5000
1 year 161 days ago
It was in Russia and I didn't press it because I was that lap which he was obligated to pit. I just changed his tyre and fuel and went to the other driver to do the same and by the end of the lap I changed the other drivers tyre and fuel and just before the put stop the driver didn't pit
medal 5000
1 year 148 days ago
Lost the championship by 1 point due to that which I don't think was my fault really 
medal 5000
1 year 148 days ago
Sometimes there is a bug where it doesn't indicate pitting this lap, however if it did, it should have pit the driver. If you were expecting the driver to pit on the last lap as he was obligated to due to two tyre rule, they don't do that automatically and leave the responsibility of finishing with two different dry compounds used, on the manager.
medal 5110 Super Mod
1 year 147 days ago
Hey Chris.

Sorry I dropped the ball on this one.

So there are two things which I have seen cause this. One I have only ever really seen happen (and had happen to me) in Brazil.

Basically fuel does not burn evenly across a lap, and Brazil has a heavy acceleration zone right before the pitlane entry. So I suspect it is possible for the call into the pits to come to late. Leaving you to run an extra lap on less fuel.

What I am suggesting is that there's a small chance that you were over fuelled enough that despite it being the lap you intended to pit, the auto pit did not trigger in time.

It's only a theory though, I can't see your fuel data so I don't know if that is a plausible explanation or not.

medal 5000
1 year 147 days ago
Here is the fuel that race
medal 5000
1 year 147 days ago
By the look of the fuel, it looks like you were fueled enough to finish the race, thus potentially being the reason it didn't trigger the auto pit and tried to finish.
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 147 days ago
Chris. First of all I feel for you losing the title by one point when you have an unexplained DNF.

Is there a possibility that in the process of changing his fuel/tyres you inadvertently touched the button that cancels the stop?
It seems the most likely explanation because this is an isolated bug report. Unless it happens regularly I don't think the Devs have anything to go on.
medal 5000
1 year 146 days ago (Last edited by Chris Kop 1 year 146 days ago)
By the look of the fuel, it looks like you were fueled enough to finish the race, thus potentially being the reason it didn't trigger the auto pit and tried to finish.

Kevin I don't know but at the start of the lap it said pit this lap

I needed to refuel that lap the race was 100%

medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 146 days ago
Yes, if it says he is pitting the "Pit" button changes function to "Cancel Pit". If you accidentally touched this whilst adjusting fuel and tyres it would explain why the driver failed to stop and consequently ran out of fuel.

I'm not saying this is definite, but is the most likely explanation unless it was indeed a random glitch in the game.
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